Cookies Policy

Thai Rubber Latex Group Public Company Limited

Thai Rubber Latex Group Public Company Limited (“Company”) uses the cookies on our website, application, platform and other online channels in the similar manner, hereinafter collectively referred to as (“Website”), this cookies policy describes the collection, use, disclosure and/or transfer to foreign countries the personal data that the Company collects through the use of cookies, as well as cookies management guidelines and your rights as the data subject.

The Company reserves the right to amend this cookies policy from time to time. The company, therefore, encourages you to regularly check for the amendment of this cookies policy. It will be effective immediately after the posting of the revised cookies policy on the website of the Company. When you visit the Company's website, the Company automatically collects certain data from you through the use of cookies.

1. What are cookies?

Cookies are the specific data to your electronic device when you visit the website, the cookies will store or track data about your use of the website and use it for trend analysis, website management, tracking the movement of the user's website usage or remembering the user's settings. Some types of cookies are necessary, because without these types of necessary cookies, the website pages may not operate appropriately and other types of cookies will allow the Company to improve your experience of using the website, customize content according to your needs and make browsing the website more convenient.

2. Your Personal Data that the Company collects through the Use of Cookies

When you visit the Company's website, the Company may automatically collect different types of personal data through the use of cookies. This includes but not limited to the following personal data:

1) User account data, e.g. username, email address, phone number, etc.;

2) Data collected from your electronic device, e.g. IP address or Internet protocol, browser type and version, time zone setting and information, GPS, Pixel and;

3) Usage Data, e.g. data about your use of the website (including the content you visit, products, services, pages or links you click to view or download, search history), date and time of use of the website, duration used on the website.

3. How does the Company Use Cookies?

The company uses cookies (including personal data collected through the use of cookies) by types and purpose as follows:

1) Necessary Cookies. These types of cookies are essential to the operation of the website. The Company's website cannot function without such cookies. The company uses these types of cookies to provide you with the website services;

2) Performance Cookies. These types of cookies help the Company aware of your behavior while visiting the website, including for the purpose of evaluating the use of the website and analysis of other data as well as t improvement of the functionality of the website;

3) Functional Cookies. These types of cookies allow the Company's website to remember your usage data and settings that you have determined.

4) Targeting / Advertising Cookies. These types of cookies will record your website visits by which the Company will use such data to display the content and advertisements related to your interest.
In general, the Company will obtain your consent in accordance with the rules and conditions required by related law for the use of cookies and the collection, use and/or disclosure of personal data collected through the use of cookies above.

4. The Company may Disclose or Transfer your Personal Data Collected by the Company through the Use of Cookies to Persons or Entities.

The Company may disclose or transfer your personal data collected by the Company through the use of cookies to the third parties as shown below, who collect, use and/or disclose personal data for the purposes outlined in this cookies policy. You may also fall under the privacy policies of those third parties. It is, therefore, recommended that you read the privacy policies on personal data protection of such third parties in order to study the additional data relating to the methods of such third parties while collecting, using and/or disclosing your personal data as well.   

4.1 Group of Undertakings
The Company may be required to disclose or transfer your personal data collected by the Company through the use of cookies to the Company to the group of undertakings. The Company accesses your personal data that the Company collects through the use of cookies for the purposes described in this cookies policy.

4.2 Company Service Providers
The Company may employ other companies, agents or contractors to develop and provide the website service to you. The company may disclose your personal data that the company collects through the use of cookies and any other relevant and necessary data to the service providers which are the following third parties. This includes but not limited to: (1) Cookies and website developers (2) Data analytics service providers (3) Marketing communications service providers (4) Data storage and Cloud service providers.
In this regard, upon providing such services, the service providers may have access to your personal data. However, the Company will provide personal data to the service providers of the Company only to the extent that is necessary for the provision of such services and will ask the service providers not to use your personal data for any other purpose.

5. Third Parties’ Cookies

Certain cookies on the Company's website may be managed by the third parties or the Company may require to disclose or transfer your personal data that the Company collects through the use of cookies to the third parties. This includes, but not limited to, the analytics and advertising networks (e.g. Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Pixel), as well as other features (e.g. Live Chat). The Company, therefore, recommends that you read the third parties’ cookies policy to ascertain how such third parties collect, use and/or disclose your personal data through the cookies as well.

6.Transfer of your Personal Data to Foreign Countries

The Company may disclose and/or transfer your personal data collected by the Company through the use of cookies to the third parties or service providers located abroad where the destination country may have higher standards of personal data protection or lower than Thailand. In this regard if it is necessary to transfer your personal data to foreign countries that have lower standards of personal data protection, the company will take steps and measures to ensure you that the personal data is appropriately protected and the person who receives the personal data transfer has the appropriate or stipulated standard of personal data protection and if necessary the Company may request your consent to transfer your personal data to abroad, if it falls under the case where it is required by law to request the consent.

7. Retention Period for Maintain your Personal Data by the Company

The Company will maintain your personal data collected by the Company through the use of cookies for as long as it is reasonably necessary in order to use for the purposes that the Company has notified you in accordance with this cookies policy and in compliance with the law and regulations. The Company may maintain your personal longer, if it is necessary and/or can do so in accordance with applicable law.

8. Cookie Settings

In general, most internet browsers will require you to set whether you accept the cookies or not. However, when you use the Company's website, the Company presets the necessary cookies to be functioned automatically. If you wish to accept additional types of cookies to improve your website experience or to change your cookie settings, please go to cookie settings. However, if you choose not to be tracked by cookies or delete cookies, the Company may not be able to offer website services to you or a part of websites may be restricted and may affect the performance of your use of the website.

9. Security Measures

For your personal data that the Company collects through the use of cookies, the Company has set up the proper security measures for personal data, covering the preventive measures for the management of technical preventive measures and physical preventive measures in respect of accessing or accessing control of personal data to maintain a confidentiality, completeness and the availability of personal data in order to prevent the loss, access, use, alteration, correction or disclosure of personal data without authorization or unlawful, as required by applicable law.

The Company has provided the measures of access control to personal data and the use of devices for storing and processing personal data that is safe and appropriate for the collection, use and/or disclosure of personal data. The Company has also provided the measures of access restriction to personal data and the use of devices for storing and processing personal data by setting access rights to the data of the users, the right to grant access to the data to the designated person(s) and the duties and responsibilities of the users in order to prevent the unauthorized access to personal data, disclosure, prying or unauthorized copying of personal data or theft of personal data storage or processing devices. In addition, the Company has also provided for the traceability of access, amendmend, erasure or transfer of personal data to be consistent with the methods and media used in the collection, use and/or disclosure of personal data.

10. Third Parties’ Cookies

In certain cases, the Company also uses the third-parties’ cookies of the trusted partners of the Company.
This website uses Google Analytics, one of the most widely used and trusted web analytics providers in order to assist the Company to understand how you use the Company's website and have the guideline to improve your browsing experience. These cookies may also track things, e.g. the amount of time you spend on your website visit or Company’s pages, which will result that the company can continue to produce interesting contents.

Changing Cookies Settings

Visitors or users of the website are able to use cookies control devices of web browsers to change cookies settings. For additional information for settings, please visit website page of cookies settings.However, the Company would like to inform you that the disabling of certain cookies may affect the functionality of this website and may result in the inability to operate certain features or operations of the website.

More Details

If you would like to know more about your data subject rights. You can visit the notice form about the Company's personal data.

Our Cookies Policy Update

The Company is periodically reviewing and updating this Cookies Policy as it deems appropriate. You may visit website page, if you require to know the amended cookies policy of the Company.

11. Inquiries
     You can inquire about this notice at

11.1 Data Controller
                Name Contact            : Thai Rubber Latex Group Public Company Limited
                Contact Address          : (Office)
                                               No. 99/1-3, Village No. 13, Bangna-Trad Road, Km. 7th , Bang Kaew Sub-district,
                                               Bang Phli District, Samut Prakan Province 10540
                Contact Channels         : Telephone  0 2033 2333
                Website                    :
                Email                        : [email protected]

11.2 Data Protection Officer (DPO)
                Contact Address          : 99/1-3 Village No. 13 Bangna-Trad Road Km. 7th , Bang Kaew Sub-district,
                                               Bang Phli District, Samut Prakan Province 10540
                Contact Channels         : Telephone 0 2033 2333 ext. 407
                Email                        : [email protected]